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Questions tagged [puerto-rico]

Preguntas sobre el español usado en Puerto Rico. // For questions about the use of Spanish in Puerto Rico.

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3 votes
2 answers

"Si no sabes de dónde soy, no me ronquen"

In Bad Bunny's P FKN R, he often repeats the line "Si no sabes de dónde soy, no me ronquen" I know that the verb "roncar" means "to snore" but in Puerto Rican slang can ...
Laith Tahboub's user avatar
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1 answer

Can Puerto Rican niceties be compared to Southern Hospitality?

How do we interpret/translate the niceties of PR Spanish? Puerto Rican Spanish contains niceties such as "mi amor." For example, a lady asking a person for a favor and saying "Gracias, mi amor." Do ...
Vero's user avatar
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4 answers

¿Qué significa "vacilar" en Puerto Rico?

Cuando al mayor le da por algo, le da fuerte. Lleva desde el verano cantando cada dos por tres la canción Calma del cantante puertorriqueño Pedro Capó. En una parte de la canción se canta lo ...
Charlie's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Why are trash cans referred to as "zafacón" in Puerto Rico?

It seems no one else in the Spanish-speaking world uses that term.
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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1 answer

Echar, arrojar, tirar, lanzar... for throwing oneself in a river

I am writing a poem where the persona wants to throw herself into the river. The persona is Puertoriqueña. I had typed "Voy a echarme" but I am wondering if 'arrojarme', 'tirarme', or even 'lanzarme' ...
Wendy L Low's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

¿"Diviértete" o "disfruta"?

Quiero desear que alguien disfrute de un regalo con la frase (en inglés): Enjoy! ¿Cuál de estas uso? Diviértete Disfruta ¿o hay alguna más? El destinatario es puertorriqueño.
theforestecologist's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Uso de "vianda" en Puerto Rico

Esta pregunta en realidad debería titularse "¿Qué dice la abuela en aquel rap de Winfred y la Ganga de finales de los 80?". En 1989 el mundo recibió una buena dosis de español de Puerto Rico con la ...
Charlie's user avatar
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1 answer

¿Uso de "confligir" fuera de Puerto Rico?

Hace apenas 5 minutos estaba escribiendo un informe y tenía que indicar que una serie de cambios entraban en conflicto con otros cambios previos. Y lo primero que me ha venido a la cabeza ha sido lo ...
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3 votes
9 answers

What is the meaning of the idiom "yo voy a ti"?

I have seen the phrase ir a uno used in a number of contexts. I found on Twitter this image below. I am not sure what the expression means. Puerto Rico, ¡yo voy a ti! Literally I go to you what ...
john mangual's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Origin of the velar "rr" sound in Puerto Rico

I have always wondered the existence, alone in Puerto Rico of all Spanish language countries, of the VELAR "rr" sound, similar to a common pronunciation seen in French (as in the word "Paris"). ...
Jorge Ortiz Colom's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Origen y uso de "buen provecho" en Puerto Rico - Local Use and Meaning

At a restaurant, it is customary for the waiter or waitress to say buen provecho to wish us good eating. I considered it roughly the same as bon apetit in French or English. However, I started ...
john mangual's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What is Spanish for "John Doe" in Puerto Rico?

What is Puerto Rican Spanish for "John Doe" or "Jane Doe"? Is it still Fulano de Tal?
john mangual's user avatar