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Questions tagged [portugués]

Preguntas sobre la relación entre el idioma portugués y el español. // For use on questions about the relationships between Portuguese and Spanish.

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Usando Portgues em Tenerife [closed]

I am going to Tenerife soon. I have no Spanish (apart from a few phrases) but have a basic level of conversational Portuguese, which I learned on Madeira. Would Portuguese be understood on Tenerife?
user33648's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How did "lunar" come to mean both the skin "mole" and the "moon" in Spanish and Portuguese?

In Latin, "lunaris" relates to the moon. The word "lunar" in all the romance languages comes from Latin "lunaris". However, In Spanish and Portuguese, "lunar" ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why do "beer" and "cherry" have similar words in Spanish and Portuguese? What is the historical origin of this coincidence?

I noticed that in Spanish, "beer" is called cerveza and "cherry" is called cereza. The only difference in these spellings is the letter "v". Likewise, their Portuguese ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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¿Cómo se llama alguien que practica jiu-jitsu brasileño?

Se llaman judoka y karateca los practicantes de judo y karate respectivamente, y capoeirista los qué practican capoeira. ¿Cómo se llaman los practicantes de jiu-jitsu brasileño?
jacobo's user avatar
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Conmigo vs. Comigo

There is a song «Baila, baila comigo» by the Dominó band from Brazil. I paid attention that in some places it's written conmigo while in another — comigo. Could you, please, explain me what's the ...
Mike's user avatar
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"Desde un principio" en lugar de "desde el principio"

El Chapúlin Colorado dice en su lengua madre: ¡Lo sospeché desde un principio! Mientras en el dobraje brasileño dice: Suspeitei desde o princípio! Esa es una diferencia entre el castellano y el ...
brasileiro's user avatar
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¿"Favela" es una palabra de la lengua española?

En la canción Machika (J. Balvin con Jeon y Anitta), la cantora brasileña tiene los siguientes versos: Caliente hasta en la nevera En la cima sin escalera La sensación de la favela Salió a ...
Ramon Melo's user avatar
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"Papa-anjo" - persona en una relación con alguien más joven

En Brasil, se les dice chistosamente papa-anjos (literalmente "comeángeles") a los que salen con alguien perceptiblemente más joven e inmaduro, especialmente en escuelas. Por ejemplo, un pibe de 16 ...
brasiliano's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How did the syntactical strucutre “me gusta” come to be in Spanish? It seems to be different from its Latin root and other Romance languages

In Spanish there is the structure "Me gusta" where "Me" is the object. But in other Romance languages such as Portuguese "Eu gosto (de isso)" or French "Je goûterai le soir bleu", "eu" and "je" are ...
xji's user avatar
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3 answers

"Ser" and "Estar": Spanish vs. Portuguese

The English verb to be typically translates to either ser or estar in both Spanish and Portuguese. Is there any instance in which the ser /estar distinction is different between Spanish and ...
Jaime Soto's user avatar
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What is Portuñol? How effective is it as a lingua franca between Spanish/Portuguese? [closed]

I've briefly read about Portuñol, which is supposedly a code switching method for Spanish and Portuguese. How does it function? I have heard that it acts like a mapping from Spanish to Portuguese (...
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