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Reason for the duplication of prepositions in Spanish?

Given the sentence "Al oso panda le encanta mascar hojas de bambú", why is the preposition "a" duplicated (once explicitly in "Al", once implicitly in "le")? I ...
Luke Hutchison's user avatar
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Validez de la expresión "se escriben"

En las matemáticas suelen hallarse varias frases del estilo "sean x e y nuestras variables desconocidas primera y segunda" o "se definen a y b como los términos primero y último de ...
Sho's user avatar
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gender mismatch?

An excerpt from NVI bible translation: ¡Ay del que dice: “Me edificaré un gran palacio,   con habitaciones amplias en el piso superior”!Y le abre grandes ventanas,   y la recubre de cedro y la pinta ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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preposition use

In a recent post I mistakenly said: Es sota, caballo y rey de preparar ese plato Why grammatically is this wrong? I was corrected with Preparar ese plato es sota, caballo y rey. Cortar, cocer y ...
Bluelion7's user avatar
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¿Se usa "por" en sus países en este caso?

La oración en cuestión es: Por ser escritor, escribe bastante mal. como equivalente a: Para ser escritor, escribe bastante mal. En mi lugar, se usan ambas, pero tal vez (2) sea más habitual. El ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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El significado de usar una frase con "en" después del verbo "sentir"

En esta frase: La fuerza de combate de un supersaiyano de tercer nivel es tan apabullante que llega a sentirse incluso en un lugar tan lejano como el Kaioshinkai. Cuando dice que el fuerza apabullante ...
eren_my_beloved's user avatar
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¿"esperar al tren" o "esperar el tren"?

Hago esta pregunta porque encontré la oración de la imagen de abajo en y creo que es incorrecta, pero me gustaría que alguien me lo confirme. Captura de pantalla de https://www....
Rodrigo Morales's user avatar
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lograr que vs lograr con que

Is lograr con que correct? For example: No logro que me hagan caso. Can I also say? No logro con que me hagan caso. Or is the use of con with lograr wrong?
Kelly Goedert's user avatar
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When to use "cerca de" vs "cabe"

I recently learned the preposition cabe means close "to/by". How do I know when to use cabe versus cerca de? Various sites provide the definition of cabe a close to and reference cerca de. I ...
Anna's user avatar
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Distinguishing between indirect objects and circumstantial complements

According to this, a verb can take complements of four different types: attribute, direct complement, indirect complement (IC), and circumstantial complement. I sometimes have trouble distinguishing ...
capet's user avatar
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How can I rearrange this sentence? "Dependo de mi novio

I think this is a correct sentence: Dependo de mi novio. If that's correct, then I'm wondering how I can "rearrange" this sentence using different word order and pronouns. For example, ...
capet's user avatar
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"A los problemas del mundo no les doy mucha importancia." -> "No les doy mucha importancia."?

I asked a native speaker about when I could replace a prepositional phrase with a pronoun. If I understood correctly, here is what they told me: Usually, I can only do this when the object of the ...
capet's user avatar
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Le compré un regalo para Pedro

Is the following sentence correct? Le compré un regalo para Pedro. Does it mean the following? I bought (from him/her) a present for Pedro. I ask because a friend gave me the following example ...
capet's user avatar
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Ana, lanza el balón a la canasta

My quest to understand the relationship between prepositional phrases and indirect object pronouns continues. In this book, I find the example sentence Ana, lanza el balón a la canasta. (Ana, shoot ...
capet's user avatar
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When can I use a pronoun in place of a prepositional phrase?

If I understand correctly, this video (same one I referenced in this question) shows an example of replacing a prepositional phrase with a pronoun. It pretty much says that these two sentences are ...
capet's user avatar
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"Mi hermano prepara la sopa para nosotros." Is "nosotros" an indirect object, and does it follow different rules because of "para" vs "a"?

I have 2 questions. I'm pretty sure that the answer to question #1 is "yes," and question #2 assumes that #1 is correct. Is "nosotros" an indirect object in this sentence? "...
capet's user avatar
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Confusion about the use of the phrase "a por"

This is another chapter in my attempt to grasp Spanish prepositions, probably a hopeless quest. In the on-line coverage of the Vuelta a España 2022 at one point they wrote Cambio de ritmo de Marc ...
mdewey's user avatar
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Hágase ver del médico

This line is from El coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel García Márquez. —Compadre, hágase ver del médico. I have several questions about it. First of all, is hacerse ver del médico a ...
tuo's user avatar
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¿Uso incorrecto de la preposición "en"?

Me parece que en el titular de este artículo (El inusual fenómeno meteorológico que puede llegar este fin de semana en Asturias) se utiliza mal una preposición, pero querría consultar si soy yo quien ...
karloswitt's user avatar
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The placement of a preposition in a cleft sentence

I came across this sentence while reading Crónica de una muerte anunciada by Gabriel García Márquez. Con lo único que no contó la familia fue con los encantos irresistibles de Bayardo San Román. ...
tuo's user avatar
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Which article (por/para) should I use to express that I go to the drugstore for medicine?

Voy a la farmacia por medicina. Voy a la farmacia para medicina. Which is correct?
ignorante de españa's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the "a" in ¿"A dónde vamos?"?

I've been studying the "a" in spanish and how it's used. The 2 ways I've seen so far Re: Between a verb and an infinitive like: "voy a llamar." Between a verb and a direct object ...
sara's user avatar
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Why do we not need "por" in the sentence "Llevo estudiando español 2 años."

I want to ask a question about the preposition "por" in Spanish. I was learning about the uses of the verbs llevar, seguir and continuar with the gerunds of verbs e.g. Llevo estudiando ...
vik1245's user avatar
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En «Piedad a mi llanto» y «Ten piedad de mi llanto» se deben usar necesariamente las preposiciones «a» y «de» en cada caso?

Piedad, piedad a mi llanto, San Franco de Sena de Agustin Moreno ¿Quién es el que debería tener piedad? R. Indeterminado. ¿A qué hay que tener piedad? R. A su llanto. Ten piedad de mi llanto. ¿...
cocteau's user avatar
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What is the difference between "a por" and "por"?

Reading the blog for the Vuelta a España, I find the entry Michael Storer (Team DSM) se marcha solo a por la victoria a 3 de meta. 17" sobre Verona y Sivakov y 4 minutos al pelotón. I know what ...
mdewey's user avatar
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2 prepositions running together [duplicate]

I came across the following sentence in the Spanish dict website: No hay nada malo en tener orgullo de donde vienes. AFAIK there is a preposition attached to the phrase "tener orgullo", i.e.,...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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"Fuimos al mercado por pan." Why not para?

This link summarizes por and para usage rules and lists the following sentence under por in the category "cause, reason, or motive of an action". Fuimos al mercado por pan Why isn't para ...
Walrath21's user avatar
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Don't Understand Para Usage Guidelines

Listed below are the Para usage rules that I have learned. However, I can't figure out how the following sentence fits into the rules or if the list needs to be added to or clarified. The Usage Rules ...
Walrath21's user avatar
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¿Por qué decimos "sombrero EN paja" en lugar de "DE"?

Quisiera saber por qué se dice: Sombrero EN paja trenzada con cinta de grosgrain alrededor de la copa. fuente En vez de: Sombrero DE paja trenzada con cinta de grosgrain alrededor de la copa. O ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Desconocer de algo

I just read the following article and I can't figure out what they mean by desconocer de in the last sentence: En aquel entonces, la pareja decidió enviar un mensaje dentro de una botella al río ...
ViktorM's user avatar
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When should I put the letter "a" in front of a name?

So I am trying to decide between these 2 sentences: Anthony Solares es una persona que limpia muchas casas. Él tiene un ingreso predictible. and A Anthony Solares es una persona que limpia muchas ...
FairOPShotgun's user avatar
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Translations of "about" with regards to a topic

Spanish seems to use several different prepositions for "about " depending on the verb it relates to. Pienso en mi perro. Hablo de mi perro. Escribo/leo sobre mi perro. Pregunto por mi perro....
Emmabee's user avatar
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"a" vs "para" for purpose

There might have been a similarly question already asked but recently when I was on Duolingo, there was this sentence Go to the market to buy broccoli with your daughter. This was translated as ...
user28345's user avatar
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Discutírtelo x discutirlo contigo

En la canción "Mi historia entre tus dedos" el cantante dice: te marchas ¿y qué? yo no intento discutírtelo lo sabes y lo sé Investigué esta expresión discutírtelo y la gran mayoría de los ...
Itamar's user avatar
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Why do some write an "a" after the verb "convocar" and others omit it?

The other day I was reading something that had a conjugated form of the verb "convocar" in it. (The exact phrase was convoca a los estados americanos.) Though I'm familiar with the word, I ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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Use of “al sol” vs “en el sol”

I was reading an Instagram caption that said “intimate dialogues in the sun” in Spanish “diálogos íntimos al sol.” This made no sense to me and I am a Spanish speaker. Doesn’t this translate to “...
artemiomedina's user avatar
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¿Cómo debo escribir la frase "En espanol" para ser publicada en la website de una empresa?

Necesito hacer un anuncio en la web sobre idiomas puedo usar "en espanol" "En espanol" or En Espanol". ¿Cuál es correcto?
Kristhian Guillen's user avatar
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Se hizo una prueba y dio positivo ¿en COVID? ¿por COVID? ¿a COVID? ¿de COVID?

En estos tiempos de pandemia, es lamentablemente cada vez más común leer artículos sobre personajes famosos que han dado positivo en una u otra prueba de COVID-19. Sin embargo, parece que los ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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Can "con" be a good translation for "from" (in this case)?

I know this is ok: A podcast about topics you care about from physicians you trust. …translated into… Un podcast sobre temas que le interesan con médicos en los que confía. But is this (below) ...
wstn's user avatar
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When is "a" needed before an infinitive?

For example, why is the "a" needed in "vamos a comer"? Why isn't it just "vamos comer"?
Caleb Koch's user avatar
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What preposition is grammatical after the verb "participar"? "en" or "de". Does the right preposition depend of context?

E.g. Participar de olimpiadas Moreover, is there a general rule for the use of these preposition after a verb or a book/website where I can check which preposition correspond to a given verb?
justanotherguy's user avatar
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¿Es correcto usar "por" en "¿por cuánto tiempo?"?

Querría saber si se considera válido el empleo de "por" en las siguientes frases: ¿Por cuánto tiempo has estado aprendiendo español? He estado aprendiendo español por tres meses. Yo ...
CeraVieja's user avatar
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más/menos como preposición

Desde hace tiempo, pienso que el «más» operador matemático debería escribirse sin acento diacrítico. Lo digo por las siguientes razones: Se pronuncia casi siempre sin acento fonético: Véase 'En ...
Guillermo BCN's user avatar
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Cuál preposicion usar con el significado "to" entre un verbo infinitivo y sustantivo

En un artículo en inglés leí lo siguiente (en punto 3): "How to connect nouns and infinitive verbs: Algo de, algo que, algo para – ...
Alex's user avatar
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"En nombre de quién" o "A nombre de quién"

Cuál preposición hay que usar cuando estás de viaje, hablas con una recepcionista en un hotel sobre tu reserva en hotel - esta reserva está "a" nombre de o "en" nombre de alguien? ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why is 'de' used in 'Estoy totalmente *de* acuerdo'?

As I understand it, the preposition de is used as either 'from', 'made from' (material), 'of' (possessive), or for time frames. So why is 'de' used in this sentence? Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
Chris's user avatar
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"una clase de español" vs. "una clase española"

If "una clase de español" means "a Spanish class" and "español / española" can also be an adjective, is "una clase española" also a valid/common phrase? Can we say that "una clase de español" ...
Yifei's user avatar
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What is/are the proper preposition(s) to use with "volver loco"?

I found the following in a level A2 Spanish book: El viento vuelve locas a las olas...| The wind drives crazy the waves... Is the preposition 'a' absolutely necessary here? Also, are there any ...
Rock Anthony Johnson's user avatar
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"por mucho tiempo" or "para mucho tiempo"?

According to the fact that we use "por" for the time discussions, for example: for the time being => por el momento. But could we sometimes use "para" in this context?! for example: El Real ...
Armin's user avatar
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Doesn't 'para' need to go with the infinitive of a verb, rather than 3rd person singular?

Last week I was in Sevilla, where I saw this homeless person with humor: on his cardboard box were written the words para compra Ferrari While the message was clear ('for buying a Ferrari'), when ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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