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What are some good analogies I can use to explain ordinal numbers in an English translation?

I was recently having a conversation with my mother, who is Spanish-speaking only, after she was informed by someone who only spoke English that some work was going to be done on her street on the ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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¿Cómo se leen los nombres de los reyes?

A veces, cuando voy al trabajo en coche, me da por poner el GPS aunque sea un trayecto de solo 15 minutos. Y cada vez que llego a P.º Alfonso XIII, la vocecita del GPS se emperra en decir: Tome la ...
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Are "seis" and "siete" phonetically similar to the Spanish language learners?

I am aware that this question may be on the verge of Offtopicland, but I am very curious about something regarding these two numbers. Here's the story... When I was learning Japanese (a long time ago ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Pronouncing years in Spanish

In English 1886 would be pronounced "eighteen-eighty six." In Spanish, is there something similar? Or do people outright say: El año mil ochocientos ochenta y seis
Gᴇᴏᴍᴇᴛᴇʀ's user avatar
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How are "first" and "second" books of the Bible pronounced?

The Bible has several books in multiple parts (e.g. 1 Corintios, 2 Pedro, 3 Juan). How are these books said out loud? For example, is 1 Pedro pronounced Primer de Pedro, Primero de Pedro, Primera de ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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¿Cómo se pronuncia un número de siglo?

Cuando leo artículos de Wikipedia, o libros historicales, es muy común encontrar una frase como siglo [numeración romana]. Por ejemplo, Aljedrez, tal como se conoce actualmente, surgió en Europa ...
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