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10 votes
3 answers

Uso invertido de palabras cariñosas e insultos

En mi tierra es bastante normal, en el uso coloquial, encontrar invertido el uso de las palabras cariñosas y los insultos: "Mira, cariño, una cosa te voy a decir..." -dicho a una persona con la que ...
Envite's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

What's the difference between "ave" and "pájaro"?

What's the difference between el ave and el pájaro? My Spanish class has used them both for the same bird and it really has me confused. Are they the same thing? Or do they have distinct differences?...
Carrie Brown's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

¿Existe algún término para "ordenador" y "computadora" que se entienda en todos los países?

Ya vimos hace tiempo en Difference between "computadora" and "ordenador" que tanto ordenador como computadora y computador sirven para definir el mismo concepto. Me gustaría ahora ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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1 answer

The Castilian Spanish S pronounced as (kind of) Sh Please skip to 3:37 and take a look at how the s at the end of estamos(h) and entendais(h) are little bit different from the English s. It seems like in-...
Mint.K's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

¿Hay un equivalente en español para "Bazillion"?

Bazillion es una expresión idiomática que, como indica el diccionario Merriam-Webster, significa: a huge, unspecified number … it sold about a bazillion records in its first week. — Jancee Dunn and ...
Diego's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is using Spanish from Latin America and The Caribbean (es-419) in a website appropriate to show outside that area?

I'm currently working on a large website where we have begun the process of globalizing all of our website copy. When we provided our English copy to our translator, they gave us Spanish resource ...
X3074861X's user avatar
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5 answers

What's the difference between 'marrón' and 'castaño'?

What's the difference between 'marrón' and 'castaño'? Both seem to mean 'brown' (the color). Are they the same thing? Or do they have distinct differences?
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6 votes
1 answer

¿Está el "español neutro" definido y regulado de alguna forma?

El otro día en la sala de chat La Tertulia se hizo referencia al español neutro. Nunca he sabido exactamente que era eso del español neutro, aunque tenía una idea aproximada, así que busqué algo de ...
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2 answers

When does one replace "le/les" with the pronoun "se"?

When are the object pronouns le/les replaced with se?
Amit's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

"Home" in a non-literal sense

I know home translates as casa or, in some contexts, hogar. But both these terms refer to a more literal idea than I'd like to use at times. They both seem to refer to the actual house. Let's imagine ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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3 answers

Best translation of "binoculars": gemelos, binoculares, or prismáticos

Wiktionary lists three possible translations for "binoculars": gemelos binoculares prismáticos Google translate prefers binoculares, but also offers prismáticos as an alternative. Which is the most ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a generic word to refer to "icing"?

Icing refers to a creamy, sugary topping used on cakes, cupcakes, to fill twinkies, etc. It's typically made from butter or shortening and sugar, and often food coloring. What is a word in Spanish ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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¿Cómo podemos traducir "That's really what it's all about" al castellano?

Traduciendo Thanking users who answered my question me encuentro con el párrafo final de Jeff Atwood, el fundador de Stack Exchange: Alternately, just "pay it forward" and answer another programmer'...
fedorqui's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

¿Cuál es la puntuación más común para los números?

Hay dos formas más comunes de puntuación para los números. Como en inglés: 1,000.00 O como en muchas partes de Europa: 1.000,00 Entiendo que las dos formas existen en español. Ya tengo un ...
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