Questions tagged [diptongos]

A diphthong, also known as a gliding vowel, refers to two adjacent vowel sounds occurring within the same syllable.

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2 votes
1 answer

Pronunciación del diptongo en aun

'Aun' es utilizado sin acento cuando esta palabra se puede sustituir por 'aunque', 'siquiera' o 'incluso'. Mientras que 'aún' con acento es utilizado cuando la palabra se puede sustituir por 'todavía'....
C-cat's user avatar
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2 answers

Rule for pronouncing 'ay' in a word

Apparently 'hay' has got only one syllable but: 'ayer' is /a-yer/, two syllables, and 'ayuda' is /a-yu-da/, three syllables. So what is the rule for splitting 'ay' in a Spanish word like the name ...
joe sixpak's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to tell when "ui" is a diphthong or in hiatus?

In Spanish, there is no orthographic distinction between the diphthongs [wi ~ uj] and the vowel hiatus [ui]. Is there a way to predict how "ui" is pronounced in a word? Possibly via phonetic ...
jacobo's user avatar
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2 answers

Exceptions to syllable stress rule: "ui" pronounced as "uí" [duplicate]

I'm familiar with the rule that if a word ends with a vowel, “s”, or “n”, then the stress is on the second-to-last syllable. Obviously this changes when one of the letters has an accent mark. ...
osweetman's user avatar
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How should "murciélago" be pronounced?

How do I pronounce murciélago, and why? According to Rules applied to the separation of syllables , "i" is a a closed vowel, and "e" is an open vowel, so without an accent, it would be a diphthong. ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
10 votes
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How to pronounce "criar"?

I was taught that when a "weak" vowel (i, u) combines with a "strong" vowel (a, e, o) you pronounce them as a single syllable diphthong. But an online dictionary says that the verb criar is pronounced ...
Rob N's user avatar
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¿Cómo se denomina el concepto "diphthongization" en el español?

Distintas publicaciones del sitio (una, dos) hablan del concepto inglés 'diphthongization'. Mirando en la Wikipedia, en el artículo Vowel breaking se explica: In historical linguistics, vowel ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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¿Por qué decimos "siempre" si viene del latín "sempre"?

Hoy leía un texto en italiano y me hizo gracia encontrar la palabra sempre en él para hablar de nuestro siempre. Me hizo recordar que en catalán también utilizamos sempre, sin la i. Tirando un poco ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does the vowel combination /ou/ appear in any Spanish words?

Spanish has many diphthongs, but I have never noticed 'ou' appearing in a word except for bou (a Catalan loanword), the surname Bousoño, and the Kantian term noúmeno. The sound does occur across word ...
jacobo's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why does "diezmar" have a diphthong, and do similar verbs exist?

Backstory Diezmar is a more modern version of dezmar, meaning "to decimate". Many verbs undergo diphthongization in their conjugations when stressed syllables fall on historic vowels /ɛ/ /ɔ/ from ...
jacobo's user avatar
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¿Ha usado el castellano siempre la tilde para romper diptongos?

En catalán le llamamos llaüt al laúd español. En ambos casos la pronunciación es parecida, con un diptongo que se rompe con un signo gráfico. Lo que me parece curioso del caso es que lo que en el ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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12 votes
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¿Por qué la palabra "huida" no lleva tilde?

No entiendo por qué la palabra "huida" no lleva tilde. Si "caída" la lleva, ¿por qué esta no si al fin y al cabo suenan igual? Veamos si analizo bien la situación. La palabra se separa en sílabas ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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4 answers

Can an accented weak vowel in a diphthong ever not be emphasised?

English If in a diphthong consisting of a weak (i, u) and a strong (a, e, o) vowel the emphasis lies on the weak vowel, an accent is put on it and the diphthong is pronounced in two syllables. For ...
user7005's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Why is búho written with an acute accent? [duplicate]

Is there a reason why specifically the word búho is written with an accent? Is there an orthographic rule that determines it? While I am used to accent marks above e I was quite surprised to see the u ...
FireAphis's user avatar
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8 votes
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¿Cómo se deben pronunciar las palabras que empiezan con "hue"?

Español He notado que las letras "hue" de las palabras como: hueso, huerta y huevo son pronunciadas como "we" (español) como el nombre "Wenceslao", al menos aquí en México, en lugar de "ue". Por ...
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
9 votes
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Why does "toalla" sound like "tualla"?

I am a native speaker from Mexico and I just noticed that the word "toalla" when pronounced sounds as if it has an "u" instead of an "o" as if you were pronouncing "tualla". This also happens with "...
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

When do two vowels in Spanish form a diphthong? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Rules applied to the separation of syllables Diphthongs (or triphthongs) are sets of two or three vowels that are pronounced as a single syllable as opposed to being separated ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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