Questions tagged [conjugación]

Variaciones de la forma de un verbo. // Variations of the basic form of a verb.

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8 votes
1 answer

What type of construction is verb+"se", like in the word "veíase"?

I am reading a children's novel, El león, la bruja y el ropero, translated into Spanish by the Chilean editorial group Andrés Bello. I came across a form of ver that I can't explain. In context, ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
8 votes
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¿Por qué los verbos terminados en "-iar" se dividen en dos acentuaciones distintas en el singular del presente?

Preguntando por ¿Cómo se conjuga el verbo "instanciar"? me di cuenta de que los verbos terminados en -iar están divididos en dos grupos según cómo conjugan el singular del presente....
fedorqui's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

"Let's go" in Spanish: vayamos vs vamos vs vámonos

I understand that "Let's go" in Spanish is vámonos or vamos depending on the context. However, I have also learned from grammar books that all the "let's..." constructs translate into Spanish using ...
TheLearner's user avatar
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How is the second person singular formed with rioplatense "vos"?

English I learned my Spanish in Spain, some years ago. Now I am visiting Uruguay and Argentina and coming across the usage of the pronoun vos, and its corresponding different formation of the second ...
Caesar's user avatar
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How is the conjugation for the "vos" pronoun in forms beyond the present indicative?

How is vos (the Argentine pronoun) conjugated in forms beyond the present indicative? Would it be the same as the vosotros forms, except that the i is omitted? For example: Vos comprastes; Vos ...
K. O'Hara's user avatar
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Why doesn't "verde" become "verda" when paired with a feminine noun?

Why does "verde" remain the same whereas "blanco" becomes "blanca" and "rojo" becomes "roja" in this sentence? "La bandera italiana es verde, blanca y roja" Green ("verde") retains the same spelling,...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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Use of 'tú' when giving examples

In English we use the 'you' form when explaining things and giving examples e.g. 'There are lots of things to see in London for example, YOU could visit the houses of parliament...etc' In Spanish is ...
user11408's user avatar
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Which dialects conjugate "nosotros" differently in the indicative present and preterite (-ar verbs)?

In standard Spanish, the indicative present and preterite are conjugated identically for nosotros in -ar (and -ir) verbs: Hablamos - We speak Hablamos - We spoke However in many closely related ...
jacobo's user avatar
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What's the correct way to say printed?

What's the preferred past participle of imprimir, imprimido or impreso? For example: He imprimido el email que me enviaste. He impreso / Tengo impreso el email que me enviaste.
Alfredo Osorio's user avatar
8 votes
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Comprehensive irregular verb conjugation rules?

I've been studying Spanish for many years and a few years ago I started working on an iOS language training app. One of my goals was to build a verb conjugation engine from scratch, along with a ...
h4labs's user avatar
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Why does Spanish have three different command forms (positive/negative tú, usted)

Unlike English, Spanish seems to have have commands whose form depends on both the type (affirmative/negative) and also the person (tú, usted, ustedes). While the construction of the affirmative tú ...
1110101001's user avatar
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Subject-Verb agreement in "Estudiar y trabajar resulta..."

I saw in Cómo organizarte estudiando y trabajando desde casa this sentence in Spanish: Estudiar y trabajar al mismo tiempo siempre resulta un gran desafío. Which in English means: Studying and ...
Concerned_Citizen's user avatar
3 votes
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Is "jugar" the only 'u'-to-'ue' stem-changing verb?

I've heard that "jugar" is the only 'u'-to-'ue' stem-changing verb. Is this true?
Stormblessed's user avatar
9 votes
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Diferencias regionales en las conjugaciones de los verbos

El otro día leía un comentario en este sitio que usaba "learnt" y por un segundo pensé que estaba mal escrito. Como español aprendí un inglés con grandes influencias británicas pero cuando vine a ...
Diego's user avatar
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¿Por qué se usa el subjuntivo para indicar pasado? [duplicate]

Leo con frecuencia en ambientes coloquiales (grupos de WhatsApp, o redes sociales, por ejemplo) de España frases del tipo: —Ayer hablemos con Juan. —El otro día cenemos en un restaurante kurdo. En ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Ambiguous -amos ending in all regular -ar verbs in presente and pretérito

How do native Spanish speakers resolve the ambiguous -amos ending in 1st person plural in all regular -ar verbs? Example: 'hablamos' could be "we speak" or "we spoke." All I can think of is context, ...
perlboy's user avatar
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¿Cómo se usa el antepretérito?

En clase hemos estado repasando el tiempo pluscuamperfecto. En todos los ejemplos que vimos, usaron el imperfecto del verbo haber. Cuando pregunté a mi profesor sobre el pretérito de haber, nos dijo ...
Ian Hunter's user avatar
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¿Por qué al conjugar "adecuar" la tilde es optativa?

Acabo de encontrarme lo siguiente en un artículo de prensa: [...] el sistema se adecua a la perfección a las necesidades de los niños e impide que se frustren al no ser capaces de llegar a un ...
Alicia's user avatar
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Why is subjunctive used when talking about a fact?

I'm reading this article: ¿Qué hay realmente detrás de las multimillonarias donaciones de Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg y la nueva generación de filántropos tecnológicos? Towards the middle of the ...
Quang's user avatar
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2 answers

¿Cómo se conjuga el verbo "instanciar"?

El verbo instanciar parece que es una de las aberraciones del spanglish. El artículo que enlazo explica que: Curiosamente, proviene del latín “instantia”, que no se desarrolló de la misma manera en ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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5 answers

Why is it "me quedo" instead of "yo quedo"?

I'm beginning to learn Spanish, and one of the sentences I'm learning is Me quedo en mi casa Which means "I stay at home". So, if the "quedo" is conjugated for yo and not for me, like in "me ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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¿Cómo vosear "Tú sabrás lo que haces"?

El otro día invité por whatsapp a unos amigos argentinos a casa para celebrar la Nochevieja, y me dijeron que ya tenían planes, que habían quedado con otros argentinos "para vosear y yesear ...
Diego's user avatar
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Concordancia del verbo en sujetos compuestos

En el juego de translation golf de esta semana me ha surgido una duda al escribir esta frase: Ni nosotros ni el mundo sabe aún que lo gobernamos ¿Está bien? ¿O sería así?: Ni nosotros ni el ...
user avatar
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2 answers

¿Tiene o ha tenido el verbo "ser" participio de presente?

El antiguo participio de presente, que se diferencia del de pasado en que hace referencia a un sujeto activo más que a uno pasivo (amante el que ama activamente, amado el que recibe pasivamente el ...
Charlie's user avatar
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¿Por qué el verbo "tener" introduce una "i" en ciertas conjugaciones, como "tú tienes" o "ellos tienen"?

Estaba pensando en el verbo tener y su conjugación en el presente del indicativo: persona singular plural 1.ª tengo tenemos 2.ª tienes tenéis 3.ª tiene tienen Vemos que la 3ª persona del plural, ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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adquirir: Is there another stem-changing verb group? i -> ie

There is a list of stem-changing verbs present in Spanish grammar books: e -> ie: cerrar, comenzar, empezar, negar, quebrar o -> ue: acordarse, acostarse, contar, constar, mostrar u -> ue: ...
Chesnokov Yuriy's user avatar
1 vote
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What is "Imperfect 2" tense in subjunctive mood? [duplicate]

While looking at dictionary for conjugation, I saw this strange tense: conocer – to know, to meet ... Subjunctive Imperfect yo conociera tú conocieras Imperfect 2 ...
iBug's user avatar
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How do you conjugate verbs in passive voice in Spanish and how do you make passive infinitives?

I was wondering how I should say the following sentence? This will help it be seen on more news feeds Esto lo ayudará ........ But out of curiosity I decided to generalize my question. Spanish ...
Sepideh Abadpour's user avatar
0 votes
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Why are verbs with Usted conjugated the same way as with El and Ella? [duplicate]

This is probably a question just for linguists. Is there a reason why verbs with Usted are conjugated the same way as with El and Ella? A historical reason maybe?
user51255's user avatar