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What does chikis mean

Saw it in a video of someone saying they're gonna miss their chikis and I wanna know what it means so I have more context to the sentence.
user36381's user avatar
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"bake a cake" - hacer / cocinar / hornear / ... ? PLUS?

"bake a cake" is such a simple common phrase in English, something that just rolls off the tongue. In Spanish? What's the most common colloquial equivalent? Pls specify which country's ...
Mark E K's user avatar
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Why do swear words differ so much by country?

Growing up I learned what I now take to be mostly Mexican or Latin American cuss words. "Pendejo" for someone you have scorn for, ("asshole" in my mind), "chingar" for &...
RLG's user avatar
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Is "chico" a common form of address for an older person?

On a recent visit to Spain I was rather surprised when a waiter addressed me as chico. He was about forty years younger than me which made it seem quite incongruous. It was obviously intended in a ...
mdewey's user avatar
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¿Cómo se llama (por regiones) a las notas que se llevan escondidas para copiar en los exámenes?

Viendo los comentarios que los usuarios han ido aportando en ¿Por qué llamamos “chuleta” a las notas que se llevan para copiar en los exámenes? he decidido crear una pregunta para listar todas las ...
Diego's user avatar
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What is a "mencho"?

That is, what does the nickname of the presumed leader of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, "El Mencho," mean?
DesdeCuando's user avatar
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¿Qué quiere decir "¡príngate!" en el contexto de la frase "Las tareas son de todos y de todas ¡príngate!"?

Vi la frase Las tareas son de todos y de todas ¡príngate! en una valla publicitaria en Andalucía. Trata de la importancia de que los hombres hagan su parte justa de los quehaceres en casa. A ...
K Man's user avatar
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¿Cuál es el origen de "guay"?

En España, desde hace algunos decenios, decimos que algo o alguien es guay para significar que tiene un cúmulo de cualidades positivas, normalmente frescas, alegres, divertidas, simpáticas... El uso ...
Ramon's user avatar
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Different ways to say "Grandpa" in (Mexican) Spanish?

I know grandfather is Abuelo, but are there more affectionate terms? I mean like there's Grandpa, Gramps, Grandpappy, Granddad, etc. in English, which are more informal than grandfather. Something a ...
panteleimon's user avatar
11 votes
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What is roughly equivalent to aka?

I'm after something concise and somewhat common in usage. Would "también llamado" work, or is there something better?
user441767's user avatar
17 votes
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Are there any more informal ways of saying "thanks" than "gracias"?

In English I might say thanks instead of thank you. In Portuguese I'd say valeu as an informal obrigado or, for a big thank you to a friend, you can also informally say obrigadão (the augmentative). ...
Some_Guy's user avatar
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Coloquialismos de la canción "Baracunátana" de Aterciopelados

Aterciopelados, rockeros colombianos, hicieron una famosa canción, "Baracunátana", que parece estrenar una larga serie de palabras informales. Estas palabras describen a una mujer, pero ¿a qué van? ¿...
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Awesome or Sweet

I'm looking for a Latin American (including US speakers from latin american backgrounds) Spanish translation of the phrase "awesome" or "sweet". For context, sweet is generally used upon ...
user3163829's user avatar
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What does "mae" mean? Is it only specific to Costa Rica?

I've seen MAE in Costa Rica used a bit and I was wondering if it is exclusive only to Costa Rica. And also, what is its general meaning? Context is my girlfriend's brother told me this: MAE qué buen ...
Ryan Dennler's user avatar
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Equivalent of "doch" (German) or "jo" (Norwegian) in Spanish dialects

English There's a very useful word in German, Norwegian and other languages that's used to respond to negative questions in a way that the contrary of the question is expressed. Example: - Hast du ...
clinch's user avatar
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What is the slang meaning of 'tigre' in Dominican Republic?

When I was in the Dominican Republic, I heard men referred to as tigres... I took it to mean that they were flirts, but I never really got a good definition. Can anyone explain how calling a man a '...
Meeka's user avatar
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'Controlar' en lenguaje formal

En el Metro de Madrid, así como en otros lugares en España, aconsejan al usuario por megafonía que "Controle sus pertenencias en todo momento, por su seguridad." Me da la impresión de que Controlar, ...
DeStrangis's user avatar
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What is the intended meaning of "maría" in this news article?

While reading an article in El País, I saw this in the last sentence in the 4th paragraph (emphasis mine): “La Religión, según esos acuerdos, no puede ser considerada una maría, y debe tener el ...
rnsanchez's user avatar
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Ways used to refer to another person? [closed]

English Ways used to refer to another person besides the following: Huevon Chavon Chavo Loco Tio Chico Compadre Could somebody point where and how each word could be used (e.g. ...
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