Linked Questions

5 votes
2 answers

When is this symbol (´) used and why? [duplicate]

When and why is this symbol ´ used in Spanish words? E.g. producción, qué, cuánto, vivís, país.
NEWTONINSPIRED's user avatar
1 vote
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Por qué la palabra "español" no tiene acento/tilde sobre la o? [duplicate]

He observado que cuando la énfasis de una palabra no se encuentra en la sílaba antes de la ultima, se pone un tilde. En la palabra "español" no debería ser "españól"? Un amigo mío opina que hay una ...
CoderOfHonor's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

El vs La for Feminine Noun [duplicate]

Sometimes, we use el before a feminine noun, e.g. 'agua', 'ama', 'hambre' and the reason for the same is that the word starts with 'a' (or 'ha') and we do not want to have two 'a' one after another. ...
Economics User's user avatar
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Why does the word 'mexicano' not have an accent at 'e' while 'México' does? [duplicate]

The word México has an accent on the 'e', but the words 'mexicano' and 'mexicana' which are derived from México do not. I wonder why these two words do not have accents above 'e'.
user67275's user avatar
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Why put an emphasis mark on the second-to-last syllable? [duplicate]

I am an intermediate speaker of Spanish. From what I remember, if there is no emphasis mark, the default is to emphasize the second-to-last syllable. Why then, are there words that have accent marks ...
Jason P Sallinger's user avatar
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¿Acento perdido en la oración? [duplicate]

In the Spanish language, why is the accent eliminated when a sentence is composed into the plural tense? For example, la lección becomes las lecciones. Notice how 'ó' becomes 'o' (without accent).
aitía's user avatar
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Spelling with accent (acento) in Spanish? [duplicate]

I am good at learning vocab but the professor insists on us using the correct accents on our word or we don't get any credit even if we had the right idea and had the correct word but didn't spell it ...
Math Whiz's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

When does sólo have an accent? / ¿Cuándo debe llevar tilde la palabra "solo"?

When does the word solo have an accent (tilde) on the first o (sólo)? When does it not? ¿Cuándo debe llevar tilde la palabra solo?
jrdioko's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Why is búho written with an acute accent? [duplicate]

Is there a reason why specifically the word búho is written with an accent? Is there an orthographic rule that determines it? While I am used to accent marks above e I was quite surprised to see the u ...
FireAphis's user avatar
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7 votes
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¿Llevan tilde los adverbios terminados en -mente?

Tengo cierta confusión sobre si deben escribirse con o sin tilde los adverbios terminados en -mente: ¿efectivamente o efectívamente? Al añadírsele el sufijo -mente, todas ellas pasan a ser esdrújulas,...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 34.1k
4 votes
2 answers

Why does "violínes" take an accent on the "i" according to this sentence?

Recently I was doing my homework and I saw the sentence: "Así es cómo exactamente se llama el trabajo que nos transporta al mundo de las fugas, conciertos de violínes, Suites y Preludios." ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Why are the 2 imperatives rendered differently here?

Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory. The above Bible verse, Romans 15:7, is translated in the NTV (Nueva Traducción Viviente) as Por lo tanto,...
Jck Gutknecht's user avatar
0 votes
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How do you know when to use tildes?

What are the grammatical rules for "tildes"? When do you know when and where to put them?
The Piano Man's user avatar
1 vote
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"Confesóme" - Was it previously permisible to add objects to verbs in the preterite?

While reading the Spanish translation of How to Win Friends and Influence People I came across this sentence: Confesóme que cada vez que entraba al escenario se decía... In English it is just, "...
Haven Hash's user avatar