While listening to a podcast from SpanishPod recently, I came across this section where they were discussing the Spanish for various computer-related terms and one of the hosts gave liga as the Spanish for link, the stuff that when clicked leads to a different web page.

Elsewhere, I have also heard two other words for the same term: vínculo and enlace. Do all three really mean the exact same thing? I want to know if there's any, just any, difference among the three whatsoever. Any subtle difference?

And if they are all really the same thing, which is the preferred word in which region? Which of the three is preferred in Mexico? What about other parts of the world?

  • 3
    Vínculo, that evil word from Microsoft...
    – JoulSauron
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 12:53

7 Answers 7


In México we can use vínculo or enlace but it is more common to use liga.

The later is used in a day to day conversation, vínculo and enlace are more formal.

By the way... ligar as a verb is used here when referring to flirting.

 ¿Cuál es la liga para comprar esa bolsa en ebay?

 Pásame la liga para entrar a tu sitio.

The original meaning of link, IIUIC, is each of the rings of a chain. That is Spanish is eslabón. (cf. The missing link / El eslabón perdido).

Then, in English, link is also used to mean connection or even relation. That, in Spanish, would be conexión, enlace or relación.

In Internet language, link is actually a short form of the original hyperlink (remember that HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol). That was usually translated as hiper-enlace or hiper-vínculo (with or without dashes). Then, when the English form shortened to link Spanish followed suit and, therefore, today we use enlace or vínculo.

As a new meaning for an old word, I don't think that vínculo is better than enlace or vice versa. Personally, I prefer enlace. It just sounds better to me (but I'm from Spain).

However, about the other word you comment, liga, I think it is used solely because it sounds similar to the English one, so it may be best to refrain from using it. Ligar means tie or bind, only somewhat similar to link.

  • I agree enlace is really the only thing that works, but vínculo makes sense as well. Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 15:17
  • 1
    @CayetanoGonçalves: The thing is that enlace sounds nice, but the older hiperenlace sounds a bit weird to Spanish ears, maybe because of the syllabification: it would be natural to do it as hi-pe-ren-la-ce, but the speaker tries to keep the prefix separated as hi-per--en-la-ce. Hipervínculo does not have this issue so it may have been preferred in the early days of Internet.
    – rodrigo
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 15:45
  • However, liga is not correctly understood in some places. But I think "vínculo" and "enlace" are understood even in places where it hasn't this meaning (but the original).
    – ESL
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 7:40
  • 1
    It's important to keep in mind that "ligar" mean to bond and in some places is related to "paste". So, it would be confusing because "paste" has another meaning in computer jerga.
    – ESL
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 7:41
  • 2
    @ESL: Also "ligar" in some places means "pick up", as in "seek a casual romantic relationship", so if you use it carelessly you can get some funny looks.
    – rodrigo
    Commented Jul 14, 2021 at 7:58

Here in Chile, we say link, vínculo or enlace.


Link, in the meaning you describe, is indistinctly translated in Spain and Mexico as vínculo or enlace.
There are no nuances when using one or the other, so probably is a matter of habitude in using one or the other.
For example, Microsoft uses vínculo exclusively for their software localized in Spanish from Spain (es_es), and vínculo or enlace, depending of the package, when in Spanish from Mexico (es_mx). However, enlace is as widely used as vínculo in Spain.


  • 1
    Though, looking to Microsoft for translations is probably not the best idea. They after all translated English font as fuente (tipografía or tipo being the words actually used by typographers) and refuse to fix it even after I've reported it many times. Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 3:00
  • 2
    Yes, that's true, they used to use "mouse" as spanish translation for "mouse". But the fact is that sometimes the wide use of a translation makes it more understandable; even bad uses of words have become accepted because of its wide use. Think of the use of "incierto" as synonym for "false" (which is incorrect as "incierto" means "uncertain"), widely used by spanish politicians as a more politically correct way to say "falso". Finally, "incierto" is now accepted by the Real Academia Española de la Lengua as synonym for "false".
    – Roberto
    Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 8:56

The three words are exatly the same, but enlace and vínculo are for the formal speech and text while liga and link are the "informal" ones but ther's no problem for using both words in formal talking. Personally I've never said liga, me and my environment use link. I'm from México.

  1. That's the link.
  2. Ese es el enlace.
  3. Ese es el vínculo.
  4. Esa es la liga.
  5. Ese es el link.

I work for a fortune 50 international technology company, and am somewhat the ambassador to the Latin American portion of our company. Enlace is the common place word for web site links, i.e. http links. Vinculo is not used the same way. Vinculo refers to associated links. For example, this file is 'linked' to that word document. This is the chain 'link', we share a blood 'link'. Depending on the phrase you're using, at times you can replace enlace with vinculo, but not the other way around. In the I.T. world, it's also common place for someone from the larger Latin American cities to simply use link. Liga is what we would say if you're talking to a friend or someone of close confidence, and say, pass me the 'site', or the 'page', but we would use liga. Don't confuse Enlace with Vinculo in Latin America, you will look foolish to a degree.

  • I guess you mean Fortune 500 Ligar is also the verb to link one thing to another.
    – Lambie
    Commented Apr 23 at 17:50

Desde que se inventó el hipertexto, para evitar cualquier tipo de confusión, también en inglés, se creó el término hiperlink que se traduce en español por «hiperenlace» o «hipervínculo». Si se traduce por «hiperliga», en un buscador el término nos llevará sobre todo a vídeos y páginas sobre fútbol.

Si se simplifica el término, borrando el prefijo «hiper», no es que precisamente mejore el problema, ya que «Ligar» tiene el significado de «enlazar» entre otros, pero «liga» tienen significados comunes muy diferentes a un hyperlink, por ejemplo:

  • Cinta para sujetar la medias (liguero o portaligas).

  • Alianza, coalición o agrupación (La Liga Santa, por ejemplo)

  • Competición (cualquier aficionado al fútbol lo sabe).

Mientras que «enlace» no está entre los significados de «liga» en el diccionario de la RAE (y no solo es del español de España, sino que incluye americanismos, como que en Cuba «liga» se refiere a un mezcla de tabacos, pero no este de México).

Así, que aunque por el contexto se pueda entender perfectamente que «liga» se refiera a un hiperenlace (incluso en España, donde nunca lo que escuchado), simplemente es más claro usar otro término.

«Vínculo» es más apropiado, pero su significado principal es «unión», que no encaja del todo con el significado de conexión en muchos contextos. El puente aéreo Madrid-Roma enlaza (conecta) a estas dos ciudades, pero no las vincula (une). Una madre con sus hijos tiene un vínculo (unión) afectivo, no un enlace afectivo.

«Enlace» es la mejor opción, ya que en casi en cualquier contexto siempre puede tener el sentido de conexión, aunque sin duda, lo menos confuso en no simplificar «hiperenlace», porque incluso entonces, puede no ser lo mismo:

  • El enlace de Pepe y Ana está roto. (la boda se canceló)

  • El vínculo de Pepe y Ana está roto (ya no se quieren, se odian)

  • La liga de Pepe y Ana esta rota (normal, si la usaban los dos, son elásticas, pero tienen un límite ...).

  • El hiperenlace de Pepe y Ana está roto. (su página web no funciona, pero se siguen queriendo).

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