In informal chat conversations online, I have seen Spanish speakers write the abbreviation "xq." What does this stand for, and why?
I'd suggest you not to use them, It's a bad habit and mostly used by teenagers– Luis CarlosCommented Nov 26, 2011 at 19:02
6There is a universal law that whenever you write against incorrect usage of language, you will invariably make a usage faux pas of your own for everybody to see. For instance some people would regard the omission of a full stop/period at the end of a sentence to be a bad habit. (-;– hippietrailCommented Nov 27, 2011 at 10:42
I do it when I am in a hurry, texting, lazy or feel comfortable enough with someone to use it. If is something formal I would never use it– cayerdisCommented May 22, 2012 at 4:14
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2 Answers
It essentially means porque
x is widely recognized as the multiplication sign. To say it one says por.
x = Por
and q is the abbreviation of que. Being just a q there are no words I can think of that are monosyllables and that start with q. So it is safe to assume it is que.
q = que
xq = porque
2"Porque" no lleva tilde. "¿Por qué ...?" sí la lleva Commented Nov 25, 2011 at 7:32
2«xk» means the same as «xq», just as «k» means the same as «q» and both mean «que» (or «qué»). But «xD» has nothing to do with «por». Texting is hard.– BrianCommented Nov 25, 2011 at 8:22
3Porqué lleva tilde cuando se utiliza la forma de la pregunta "por qué" en forma indirecta, como sustantivo. Son tres formas diferentes. Ejemplo: "Le preguntaron el porqué de su vestimenta inadecuada" Commented Jun 4, 2012 at 23:04
In SMS/chat slang:
- xq, xk, pq means "porque" or "por qué";
- x means "por", because it looks like × (multiplication sign);
- q or k means "que";
- xf means "por fa(vor)"
- qtl or ktl means "que tal";
- qtpsa or ktpsa means "que te pasa";
- = means "igual";
- + means "mas" or "más";
- - means "menos";
- s means "es";
- l means "el";
- d means "de";
"+ o -"
"xk? ktpsa?"