What is the difference between "¿qué haciendo?" and "¿qué estás haciendo?" Do they mean 'How are you doing?'
¿Qué haciendo, loco?
¿Qué estás haciendo, loquillo?
"¿Qué haciendo?" could be some type of expression typical from South America, although I've never heard it before, it could be some derivative from "Spanglish".
"¿Qué estás haciendo?" is the correct form in Spanish to ask "What are you doing?"
I have occasionally seen the phrase ¿Qué haciendo?
in writing, in very informal contexts, such as Facebook or SMS messages. I believe it is indeed a shortened form of ¿Qué estás haciendo?
I don't suggest using, ever. Even in these informal contexts....
Unless ur goal iz 2 mock the ppl who talk that way, or 2 B ironic. U will B h8ed.
If you want to see the short answer, scroll down.
Long answer: Spanish is a complex system, a complex language. It's spoken in lots of countries in about three continents. In every single country –what is even more, every region in every country– Spanish develops independently. To deem idiotic (as other answer did) or erroneous an expression, implies that the person who produces that judgement has lived and understood every single kind of Spanish.
¿Qué más?
What does it mean? It doesn't have a verb either. But if you are intelligent you'll figure out soon that it's a nice greeting there.
In the same line of thought:
¿Qué haciendo?
is a translation you could find for how you doing? (but that's definitely not it's origin). I dare to say that ¿Qué haciendo? is even "less incorrect" than whatcha doin'? – even so, absolutely grammatically incorrect if you see it as part of formal writing standing for the meaning "what are you doing?". But the phrase doesn't mean that: It's just slang and means "Hi!"
Condensed answer:
The difference between "¿qué haciendo?" and "¿qué estás haciendo?" is that the former means just hi! ̣–at least in Mexico– while in the latter you actually expect an answer from your interlocutor (everywhere). The loco or loquillo part actually I've heard it from Central America. It means just "dude!, buddy!". All in all, the former means "hi buddy!".
Again, it's slang. Be tolerant; if you don't like it or you are not an expert, don't use it.
By the way, it has the same structure as
A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando.
This is not correct grammatically, but it's used.
Todos están equivocados! Con la sola excepción de que este "qué haciendo" se trata de un regionalismo y de una expresión coloquial. Nada tiene que ver con "¿qué estás haciendo?".
La gente la utiliza con el sentido de "¿cómo así?", o "¿con qué derecho?". Un poco equivale al "how come?" que se utiliza en inglés.
Un ejemplo: El jefe dice que te va a descontar el daño de tu próximo sueldo. El empleado contesta "Qué haciendo?"
"¿Qué haciendo?" Is not a correct sentence in Spanish. It may be slang, but not proper Spanish. It lacks a verb.
"que haciendo"
(with quoting marks) led me to this: answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100909054621AA0w5AK