I'm learning Spanish with bussu and I came across this 2 sentences :

1- El miércoles está en mitad de la semana
2- El viernes es el día antes del fin de semana

Why in sentence 1 we used estar but in scentence 2 we used ser? Shouldn't both be ser because we are stating a fact?


1 Answer 1


We have this canonical question with the main usage rules for ser and estar. In this case, the sentence

El viernes es el día antes del fin de semana

uses ser because it is describing an inherent characteristic of the day Friday. The sentence

El miércoles está en mitad de la semana

uses estar because it states the location of the day Wednesday within the week. Locations of places and things (but not of events!) are always stated with estar, even if they are inherent or permanent (e.g. "Viena está en Austria").

  • Pero el miércoles es la cintura de la semana! :D
    – jachguate
    Commented May 18 at 5:52

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