que tiene que te vea desnuda, soy tu madre.
This is a caption of a TikTok video that popped up on my feed complaining about the fact that some parents ask their children to be naked in front of them, even if it makes them uncomfortable. Graphic, I know, but that aside, what does que tiene mean here?
At first I thought that tiene que goes together to mean "it has to". This is soon ruled out when I saw the verb ver (to see) in the first person singular present subjunctive form (vea).
As such, I can make out
que te vea desnuda, soy tu madre.
to be something along the lines of "Let me see you naked, I am your mother." (que is used here as a command). But then, what does que tiene mean? This is a full sentence, it seems, since it is inside quotation marks, and there is literally no more on-screen text except for this.
Can someone please help me clear this up in English? Any and all help is greatly appreciated!