Alas, we come to the final note for 1935 where I appreciate some help in transcribing and translating my great-grandfathers life from enlisting in the army when he was 20 to his retirement in 1936.

You have all helped me along this journey and I have gained an insight into my great-grandfather (who was just a face on a photo until now).

I have built a map in Google of the locations he was stationed and maybe one day I can walk his steps!

Anyway - I digress - just wanted to say thank you to you all for your help!

Here is the note for 1935 which is split over two pages and I find some of the writing quite hard!

enter image description here

enter image description here

I have attempted to transcribe the text:

El dia 2 de Abril año marginal, xxx este individuo y xxx Madrid en xxx de 29 dias de servicio por xxx xxx, concedidos xxx el Excmo. Señor Inspecto General del Cuerpo, segregando a xxx fuerte el dia 30 del mismo una xxx disfrutada. Cunpliendo la edad reglamentaria en 4 de Enero próximo y recinende en fin del mismo. 31 año 10 mes y 28 dias de xxx xxx se le propone para el retiro con el 80% y haba xxx mensual de 217’33 pesetas xxx xxx comprendido en la xxx de 31 de Diciembre de 1921 [D.O. no. 1 ? Enero de 1922 (el xxx xxx a xxx de xxx xxx por la Jefe xxx de xxx de Cordoba por xxx su residencia en Puente Genil il dicha provincia.

Cordoba 4 Deciembre 1935

El Jefe del Detall

I can't quite make out the D.O references so have not been able to provide a link.

Thanks again for your help! Muchas gracias!


This is the translation based on the answer provided:

On the 2nd of April of the marginal year, this individual left for Madrid to take 29 days leave for personal matters, granted by the Inspector General of the Corps, returning to his post on the 30th of the same month once he had taken his leave. Having reached the statutory age on the 4th of January and having completed 31 years, 10 months and 28 days of effective service at the end of the same, he is proposed for retirement with 80% and a monthly pension of 217.33 pesetas as he is included in the Law of 31st December 1921 [D.O. no. 1 of 1st January 1922 (which will be paid to him from the following February by the Cordoba Tax Office as his residence is in Puente Genil in the aforementioned province.

Cordoba 4 November 1935

The Chief of Detail

I think it is very clear. Just got to locate the Law referred to in the bulletin.

  • I now think the D.O. might be 1 Enero 1922. bibliotecavirtualdefensa.es/BVMDefensa/es/catalogo_imagenes/… Not sure. Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 13:36
  • 1
    I'm not sure if you have it yet but I've located the part of the law applied to your ancestor and updated my answer accordingly.
    – RubioRic
    Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 18:56
  • I'm curious, where are you putting / publishing the whole compendium of the notes? Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 20:03
  • @SergioVelasquez I have put it all into two Word documents (English / Spanish) with links to the stack exchange questions. I have also printed out some of the reference material. It is my intention to share what we have researched with my mother in the first instance. At the moment I was not planning of "publushing" as such, apart from attaching to my family tree. Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 20:38
  • 1
    That's a very nice gesture :) Commented Aug 24, 2021 at 6:34

1 Answer 1


My suggestions (plus the ones suggested by @gparis)

El dia 2 de Abril año marginal, salió este individuo para Madrid en uso de 29 días de permiso por asuntos propios, concedidos por el Excmo. Señor Inspector General del Cuerpo, regresando a su puesto el dia 30 del mismo una vez disfrutados. Cumpliendo la edad reglamentaria en 4 de Enero próximo y reuniendo en fin del mismo 31 año 10 mes y 28 días de efectivo servicio se le propone para el retiro con el 80% y haber pasivo mensual de 217’33 pesetas por hallarse comprendido en la Ley de 31 de Diciembre de 1921 [D.O. no. 1 del 1 Enero de 1922 (el cual le será abonado a partir de Febrero siguiente por la Delegación de Hacienda de Córdoba por fijar su residencia en Puente Genil de dicha provincia.

Córdoba 4 Noviembre 1935

El Jefe del Detall

The law mentioned is in the first page of the linked document

The Law

If we replace the idem and the id in the line that was applied to you great-grandparent, we got

A los treinta (30) años de servicios efectivos en el Cuerpo, el ochenta por ciento (80%) de su haber

  • 2
    Two suggestions to complete the transcription: 1) haber pasivo, 2) I think the date is 4 Noviembre 1935, the capital letter is different from other capital D's in the same note.
    – gparis
    Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 14:06
  • @gparis You are probably correct because there is a second note for 1935: En el puesto de Puente Genil prestando sus servicios finió el año. Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 14:09
  • Thanks for your answer! I have added my translation and observations. Thanks! Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 14:16
  • Thanks for the update to your answer with bulletin info. Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 19:13
  • 2
    My great-grandfather had 3 sons - all passed away - but one of them died around 1936. I don't have the details. All I know is that he was in the army (or something) and died young when he got shot. I have wondered if this note stating "personal business" was related to this. But we will most likely never know. I will try to do some more digging. 😊 Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 21:09

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