For the year 1914 in my great-grandfathers Civil Guard records there are five entries.

Here is the second one:

enter image description here

Here is the transcribed text so far:

En el estado de xxx del 1er xxx 1913, acredita la xxxcion Gral [General] de Guerra a este xxx 125 pesetas en xxx de xxx de los xxx xxx años del compromiso que xxx.

El Comandante Mayor


In the statement of claim for the 1st Quarter of 1913, the Intervention General of War credits this individual with 125 pesetas for the expiry of the first two years of the commitment he is serving.

The Major Commander

I understand that his current service period was 01 September 1910 to 31 August 1914. The first quart of 1913 would be Jan / Feb / Mar. The end of his second year would have been 31 August 1912. How come this information is only being written now, in 1914?

Related Questions

  • 1
    I've got no real anwser for your second question in relation with the dates. I can only guess that the Spanish Goverment and the Guardia Civil Administration burocracies were very slow. Maybe he can only ask for the retributions of his first 2-years period (1910-1912) at the beginning of the following year (1913) and he received the response and the money, as we can see, in 1914.
    – RubioRic
    Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 10:50

1 Answer 1


My suggestions

En el estado de reclamación del 1er Trimestre de 1913, acredita la Intervención Gral [General] de Guerra a este indº (individuo) 125 pesetas en concepto de vencimiento de los dos primeros años del compromiso que sirve.

El Comandante Mayor

  • Thanks for the answer. I have added the translation to the question and added some initial thoughts that come to mind. Commented Aug 16, 2021 at 10:08

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