Is it:
- pansito
- panesito
- panito
- panecino
- panecillo (Although this one has most of the time another meaning...)
I know short question, but seemingly difficult for me. Is there a definitive diminutive form?
Are there multiple accepted forms?
Is it:
I know short question, but seemingly difficult for me. Is there a definitive diminutive form?
Are there multiple accepted forms?
In Mexico is well addressed as panecito, and I think anyone would understand it, however is not a real word as far as I know, at least couldn't find it on the dictionary, I found this however:
"Los monosílabos o no perminten derivaciones o lo hacen con -ec-, pasando a ser la palabra un cuatrisílabo"
"Pan" is a generic term, it means bread in general, not an actual piece of bread. In this sense you would not use it in diminutive form, would you?
That said, we do use "panecillo", at least in Spain, for a small, one-helping piece of bread. That is the only word, among your suggestions, which is present in the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española. "Panecito" looks all right too, and probably the reason why it is not in the Diccionario is, they don't include diminutive forms of all words... and "panesito" and "pansito" seem spoken versions of "panecito", I guess they are common in Latin America.
Panecillo (a small bread baked in that form, not a slice) is itself a word. You could say "panecillito" for a small "panecillo".
So, for "pan" (any kind of "bread") I would say "pancito" or "panecito". "Pansito" and "panesito" are wrong.
Here in Perú I was taught and learned it this way:
I memorized the key: "REN(cito)" -- Meaning when a word ends in "R", "E" or "N" append "-cito" (masculine) or "-cita" (feminine). Otherwise, words ending in "O" or "A" likely get "-ito" (masculine), "-ita" (feminine), or seemingly less common "-illo" (masculine) and "-illa" (feminine).
Therefore, and confirmed by what is practiced here in Hauncayo, Perú we say Pancito to refer to a smaller piece of bread or smaller roll.
I am adding this summary following what was discussed in Juntemos en respuestas wiki las respuestas cortas específicas de regiones / Let's use community wiki to summarize set of short region specific answers. Feel free to edit to add the term used in your country or region.
in Guatemala actually.
Nov 18, 2011 at 15:09