I am reading a story from a Mexican book called La cucaracha comelona.
I encountered the phrase "se receta la muy pilla" but I can't nail down what this means.
La cucaracha tanto comió, que una indigestión le dio. Pero un té de manzanilla se receta la muy pilla.
Researching, the verb "recetar" means to prescribe. I did not find a reflexive form recetarse. So I think maybe it's the passive voice "he was prescribed the tea"(but we don't know who prescribed it to him). Am I correct in this assumption?
"Pillar" means to catch or get. Firstly I fail to see the meaning this word adds to the phrase. Secondly "pillar" is not an adjective or adverb so the use of muy confuses me here as well.
Also what does "comelona" mean? I can not find a translation anywhere.