I saw this used in some celebrity interview and in a tv show I'm watching. Basically, the imperfect tense is used interchangeably with the conditional tense to mean a conditional statement.
My questions are: How do you know when you can use this? Can you always answer a hypothetical question with the imperfect tense?
The examples I've heard:
(Jugando a casar, matar o follar) Le preguntaron ¿qué harías? y él contesta:
Yo me casaría con Bella, a esta la mataba y con esta me casaba (See video)
That was the first time I heard of it so I didn't think much of it but then I saw it again in Vis a vis:
Les preguntaron a las presas ¿qué harías si salieras de aquí mañana? y todas contestaron con el condicional, salvo una, la Rizos, que dijo:
Me pegaba un baño en bolas en el mar