Reading an article in El Pais I see a headline
Madrid pedirá una declaración jurada a las personas que estén en la calle donde expliquen su destino
Looking in the DLE for enlightenment I find only one definition for jurado as an adjective
- adj. Que ha prestado juramento al encargarse del desempeño de su función u oficio.
and searching for jurar I find three definitions which might be relevant
tr. Afirmar o negar algo, poniendo por testigo a Dios, o en sí mismo o en sus criaturas.
tr. Reconocer solemnemente, y con juramento de fidelidad y obediencia, la soberanía de un príncipe.
tr. Someterse solemnemente y con igual juramento a los preceptos constitucionales de un país, estatutos de las órdenes religiosas, graves deberes de determinados cargos
So the first of these is about what I would call in English swearing an oath, and the other two look like swearing allegiance.
As I understand it though the citizens will be obliged to have with them a piece of paper which they have filled out to show to police or other authorities if stopped. I cannot really see any way they can swear on it though, they are hardly being encouraged to find a notary for that purpose.
So my question is: what does jurado mean here?