I am reading a product description and I want to translate it:
The dosimeter may be used at atomic power engineering sites, physics laboratories, health care organizations as an electronic dosimeter for automated systems of personal dosimetry control ASPDC-21, and as an independent device.
I am trying the following:
El dosímetro puede utilizarse en: áreas ingenieriles con poder atómico, laboratorios de física, organizaciones de salud como un dosímetro electrónico para sistemas automatizados ASPDC-21 de control de dosimetría personal, y como un dispositivo independiente.
So, in English you have the adjective and then the substantive, but in Spanish you should switch the order, so besides the meaning of
atomic power engineering sites
in Spanish, is it OK the order of the ideas when translated to Spanish? For example is it OK to translate the phrase:
electronic dosimeter for automated systems of personal dosimetry control ASPDC-21.
dosímetro electrónico para sistemas automatizados ASPDC-21 de control de dosimetría personal.
Note how they are switched.