In ¿Cuál es el verbo para “party” en español? we considered some possible translations for party as a verb. Among them: festejar, parrandear, salir (de copas/ de marcha/ de fiesta...) etc.

But what happens if we add the adjective "hard", as in the expression "party hard"? The literal translation for "hard" in Spanish would be "duro", but you won't use that in all context. For example, you would translate

You need to work hard to earn your wage

as "hay que trabajar duro para ganarse el sueldo". For

I have been working hard.

You may favor "mucho" instead of "duro". In addition

I am a hard working person

Would be translated as "Soy una persona trabajadora".

Just translating "hard" as "duro" could lead to may anglicisms in many contexts.

Thus said, what happens if we try to translate "party hard"? "Party hard" means to do the things you usually do at a party (dance, eat good food, drink alcohol, etc.) and to do them to excess, with intensity, etc.

But "festejar/parrandear/salir en exceso/excesivamente" don't really convey "party hard". It may convey frequency rather than intensity.

What if I wanted to translate for example

I like to work hard and party hard.


I like to work hard and party harder.

How could I translate "party hard"? Just simply "me gusta festejar/salir en exceso"?

  • Se me ocurre "salir a partirla" pero igual es una expresión demasiado coloquial y regional
    – user14069
    Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 6:11
  • Creo que "duro" funciona perfectamente en todos tus ejemplos, y no suena a inglés: Trabajo duro y festejo duro.
    – Javier
    Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 13:51
  • @Javier "festejo duro" a mí sí me suena a anglicismo. Creo que por lo menos en España sería muy raro escucharlo. Quizá también porque en España se favorecerían otros términos para "party" como verbo que no cuadran tan bien con "duro". En qué región decís "festejar duro"?
    – Diego
    Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 14:18

1 Answer 1


"Darlo todo" or "dándolo todo" is a way of saying that you are going hard at some task. You could also say "a tope". Both are informal; the first one a bit less than the last one.

Translating some of your examples:

"We partied hard last night."
"Salimos dándolo todo anoche."
"Salimos a tope anoche."

Sometimes even "Lo dimos todo anoche." would be understood in the right context.

"I like to work hard and party harder."
"En el trabajo lo doy todo, y de fiesta todo y más."
"Me gusta trabajar a tope y salir de fiesta más a tope aún."

  • I would go with con todo. Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 7:10
  • Where I grew up (Argentina), putting "anoche" at the end of the sentence sounds weird: it sounds like spanglish. And "a tope" would be understood but again sound weird. Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 19:52

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