¿Qué significa "apañao"?

Aparentemente se usa exclusivamente en la región de Andalucía. Estaba hablando con alguien y dijo esa palabra pero no la pudo traducir.

¿Alguien sabe su significado y uso?

It is apparently used exclusively in the Andalucía region. I was talking with someone and he said the word but couldn't translate it.

Does someone know its meaning and usage?

  • remember that in some regions, past perfect verbs sometimes lose the letter d in its conjugation, it is totally a slang, but its pretty common, even in written Spanish. example ganao ganado, cantao cantado Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 14:47
  • This word is used throughout Spain, not just Andalusia.
    – Gorpik
    Commented Aug 14, 2013 at 10:05

5 Answers 5


Talking about people, apañado (colloquially "apañao") means mañoso:

Es un tío muy apañado. Se las arregla muy bien solo.

Talking about things, apañado means adecuado:

Tiene una casa muy apañada. No es grande, pero es muy cómoda.

apañado, da.

  1. adj. Hábil, mañoso para hacer algo.
  2. adj. coloq. Adecuado, a propósito para el uso a que se destina.



We use it too in Catalonia, but I think it's more usual in Andalucía.

Apañao is the shortening of Apañado, that is composed from apañar. The Real Academia Española defines it as:

apañado2, da. (Del part. de apañar). 1. adj. Hábil, mañoso para hacer algo.

That is, a person that is skilled or tricky to do something. If I have to translate it to english, probably I'll use resourceful.


And when we hear: "alguien esta apañao/apañado" means: "that person has problems".


Apañado (silent "d" in Andalucia) describes someone who's very open and friendly. A nice person, a kind person, a good person is "Apañado."

Soy gringo, pero pase dos años en Andalucia (Sevilla y Granada). I'm American, but lived in Andalucia for a couple of years in the 1990s.

In Andalucia "andaluthia", they're proud of their special accent. They use the Castillian "th" in the typical three cases: ci (like ciruela) ce (like cerveza) and z (like zebra).

AND only in Andalucia they eat the ending of their words. It's very artful and fun! Ten cuidado turns into Ten Cuidao!

I could be totally wrong. But that's the way I learned it 20 years ago.

  • 1
    Silent 'd' in Apañado and participles in general is not exclusive to Andalucia, but rather common in informal speech all over the Spanish speaking world.
    – deStrangis
    Commented Aug 5, 2013 at 13:38

En Argentina, en mi experiencia. se usa algo más el verbo que el adjetivo. Sobre todo en la expresión: "Fulano se las apañó bastante bien" ="He pulled through quite well". "Veremos cómo me las apaño"="We'll see how I manage/get by")

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