'Clutch' is a term that's been used in classic sports for some time, but nowadays it is more relevant than ever in eSports:
- Swag's Clean Desert Eagle Clutch Against Some of NA's Best CS:GO Players
- Breaking down Skadoodle's 1v4 clutch vs. Astralis
- Rocket League Open Ends In Clutch Overtime Goal
- Steel’s clutch vs coL gives Torqued its first qualifier spot at DreamHack Tours
- ... etc.
Its meaning in this context is clear... kind of. As per the accepted answer in this question back at Gaming.SE:
Definitions of "clutch" (adjective):
happening during a very important or critical time especially in a sports competition
able to perform well in a very important or critical situation especially in a sports competition
This term has since migrated to competitive gaming, where is used in similar situations, usually in professional gaming events where there is a lot at stake.
It is one of those words that is short and simple while at the same time it describes a very specific setting.
That's probably the reason why Spanish specialized media use 'clutch' as-is, like here and here, instead of looking for a similar Spanish term. Even mainstream media like EL MUNDO shows some trouble picking a word for this concept:
(...) eso que los americanos llaman clutch, digamos ser decisivo cuando el sol más calienta.
Clearly we know how to define the word in Spanish, but it'd be great if we could find a single word for it.
How would you translate this concept to Spanish using just a couple words at most?