In technical terms, what is the correct way to refer to a computer's Clipboard in Spanish? The automated translators say it's "Portapapeles"
1 Answer
Yes, portapapeles is the correct translation; here it is its meaning, according to the RAE:
- m. Inform. Depósito temporal en la memoria de una computadora donde se coloca información para utilizarla posteriormente.
As you can see, portapapeles is a temporary deposit in a computer's memory to store information for a later use.
As a historical note, the word portapapeles was only recently accepted by the RAE and it will officially "appear in society" in the 23rd edition of the DRAE.
What do you mean "appear in society"? The word has been used by Spanish speakers for sometime. The DRAE by its own admission doesn't record every valid word in the Spanish language. Commented Jul 16, 2017 at 12:53