I was wondering how I should say the following sentence?

This will help it be seen on more news feeds
Esto lo ayudará ........

But out of curiosity I decided to generalize my question. Spanish Dict suggests the linked conjugation for the verb to see = ver.
Corresponding to each active conjugation we should have its passive (if it's like English). For example:

I see ---> I am seen by
I saw ----> I was seen by
I used to see ----> I used to be seen
I would see ----> I would be seen by
I will see ----> I will be seen by
I have seen ----> I have been seen by
I had seen ----> I had been seen by
I would have seen ----> I would have been seen by
I will have seen ----> I will have been seen by
to see ----> to be seen

Then which structure does the role of the structure to be + past participle in Spanish?
Or how is the passive voice and so the passive infinitive made in Spanish?
How is the passive voice conjugated?

  • I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it looks suspiciously like link s[am for a spanish dictionary site. Question body full of google-juicy keywords. Sospecho de linkspam. demasiada palabras googlejugosas n.n
    – hlecuanda
    Commented Dec 10, 2017 at 20:44
  • @hlecuanda el usuario tienen buena reputación en otros stacks y un perfil completo. Voto por dejarla abierta. Le puede servir a alguien.
    – DGaleano
    Commented Dec 11, 2017 at 15:04

1 Answer 1


You don't really want us to fill in all your conjugations, do you?

Passive in Spanish is similar to English. Just conjugate the ser verb and add the participle visto (or vistos if plural, or vista/vistas if feminine). For example: yo veo -> yo soy visto; nosotros hubiéramos visto -> nosotros hubiéramos sido vistos.

Beware! In nosotros hubiéramos sido vistos, the sido part is invariant, while the vistos is in concordance with the passive subject nosotros.

But Spanish speakers prefer the reflexive passive: yo soy visto -> se me ve; nosotros hubiéramos sido vistos -> se nos hubiera visto, that is somewhat easier. That way, your original phrase would be:

Esto ayudará a que se vea en más feeds de noticias.

About your difficult conjugations, actually nothing special:

  • Infinitive: ver -> ser visto, reflexive passive would be verse.
  • Imperative ve -> sé visto ; ved -> sed vistos. Reflexive would be constructed similar to the third person imperative, with the present subjuntive and beginning with Que: Que se te vea.

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