I have noticed when watching movies in English with Spanish subtitles that the Spanish seems to render a "softer" version of any coarse language spoken in English. For example, "god damn it!" is usually translated as "maldita sea" which simple means "cursed be it." I have also seen other English "cuss" words translated simply as "idiota" or "imbecile" in Spanish.
Does this really reflect a kinder, gentler nature among Spanish speakers, or what's going on here?
As I mentioned, I have noticed this in general, but I noticed multiple examples of it last night while watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off
My wife (who speaks no Spanish) and I had a somewhat lively discussion about it when I mentioned the disconnect to her - she thinks the translations must be wrong. So which is it? For the sake of honest translation, should the subtitles have been coarser?