A short while later I discovered that she had left vases filled with red roses all over the house, and a card on my pillow: I hope you reach a hunnert.
This is English translation by Grossman for the following section of Garcia Marquez's Memories of My Melancholy Whores:
Poco después descubrí que había dejado floreros de rosas rojas por toda la casa, y una tarjeta en la almohada: Le deseo que llegue a los sien.
As far as I can tell the author has translated "los sien" as "hunnert", which means hundred. However, the term sien seems to mean temple, but Google Translate gives "one hundred" for los sien. My first question is why has los sien been translated as hunnert and not hundred and the second question is, how come sien means temple and los sien means hundred?