How is the exact translation to Spanish of the phrase 'round midnight?
Is it por la madrugrada?
How is the exact translation to Spanish of the phrase 'round midnight?
Is it por la madrugrada?
The meaning of "round midnight" is "Alrededor de la media noche" o "Alrededor de la medianoche".
The translation of "la madrugada" is like the famous band Judas Priest used to say......."Before de dawn". :-)
Sobre las 12 de la madrugada. Madrugada can be 1, 2,3,4,5 even 6 am, I understand midnight as 12
I would go with por la medianoche
to keep with the contracted nature of 'round midnight.
is typically understood as the wee hours of the morning, but wouldn't generally include midnight.
(Exact translation is an oxymoron)