I would like to seek your help in understanding this:

A los amigos de Julia les gusta que ella _____ mucho.

a) reírse b) se ríe c) se ría

I answered C (because it shows preference, like or dislike, and the main and subordinate clause have different subjects), but the book said it is B. I could not convince myself and so I asked several people and so far 1 answered B, 2 answered C.

From the looks of the answer in the screenshot below, both B and C are accepted, but what do you think?

enter image description here

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    – rebuuilt
    Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 22:48

2 Answers 2



  1. A los amigos de Julia les gusta que ella ríe mucho.


  1. A los amigos de Julia les gusta que ella ría mucho.

are correct but slightly different.

In (1) it is a fact that Julia typically laughs a lot, and they like that. What they like is the laughter that characterizes her.

Instead, (2) means that Julia's friends like it when she laughs a lot. She may not be used to laughing a lot and only do it occasionally, but when she does, they like it.

The difference between the indicative in (1) and the subjunctive in (2) is then that the indicative refers to a fact, while the subjunctive only refers to a possibility.


A los amigos de Julia les gusta que ella se ría mucho. C

A los amigos de Julia les gusta que se ría mucho.

Presente de Subjuntivo 3ª persona (el/ella) "se ría".

V. intransitivo reír, pronominal reírse


Respecto a las diferencias entre el indicativo y el subjuntivo, en líneas generales, el modo indicativo se utiliza en español para transmitir hechos o informaciones, mientras que el modo subjuntivo se utiliza para hablar de ideas, de lo hipotético y lo irreal.

Regarding the differences between the "indicativo" and the "subjuntivo", in general terms, the indicative mood is used in Spanish to convey facts or information, while the subjunctive mood is used to talk about ideas, the hypothetical and the unreal.

El texto que indica tiene una redacción pésima y además unas cuantas faltas de ortografía, le recomiendo textos homologados u otras fuentes para iniciarse en el estudio del idioma español.

The text that it indicates has a terrible wording and also a few misspellings, I recommend approved texts or other sources to start in the study of the Spanish language.

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