There is one note for 1932 in my great-grandfathers Civil Guard records. This note relates to his promotion to the 1st Civil Guard Class as was documented here (Transcribing the various Assignments that my Great Grandfather had (as listed on his Civil Guard records)).

The note:

enter image description here

I have made out most of the transcription:

En la revista de Julio año marginal y según por puesta aprobada xxx Sr. [Señor] Coronel Subinspectora del Cuerpo ha sido promanada este individuo al empleo de Guardia de 1º clase para su misma Compañía y finió el año en el puesto de Puente Genil.

El Comandante Mayor

Translation so far:

In the review of July of the marginal year and according to the approved order of xxx Mr. Colonel Sub-Inspector of the Corps, this individual has been promoted to the position of 1st class Guard for the same Company and ended the year in the post of Puente Genil.

The Major Commander

I can't quite make out that prefix just before Sr.. It does not look like Excmo. or one of the other abbreviations to me that have been used in the document.

I was hoping there would be an officio D.O or something relating to his move to the 1st class but sadly not.

Updated Translation

This translation is based on the answer provided which is now much better:

In the July review of the marginal year and according to a proposal approved by the Colonel Sub-Inspector of the Corps, this individual was promoted to the rank of Guard 1st [first] class for the same Company and ended the year at the Puente Genil post.

The Major Commander

Remaining Notes

I appreciate that a lot of work has been done on these notes for me over the last few days. Thank you. Based on the knowledge I have gained to understand the writing I am now able to do some of the remaining ones. Below is a summary of what is left for me to discuss with you:

I need to go through these notes again myself before I ask.

Then we will be completed!

  • 2
    This is like a series to me, and I guess others, and am enjoying it a lot. I hope there is a second season after summer ;-)
    – fedorqui
    Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 7:52
  • 1
    @fedorqui'SOstopharming' :) Well, if I ever manage to get my grandfathers papers (he was in the military - I know that much) then maybe there will be a second season. :) Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 7:56

2 Answers 2


To me, it looks like this (bold for the differences with your proposal):

En la revista de Julio año marginal y según propuesta aprobada por el Sr. [Señor] Coronel Subinspector del Cuerpo ha sido promovido este individuo al empleo de Guardia de 1.ª [primera] clase para su misma Compañía y finió el año en el puesto de Puente Genil.

Where 'promover' is a verb that stands for promote.

  • 1
    Thanks for your answer and additional background information! Commented Aug 23, 2021 at 8:05

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    Bienvenido/a a Spanish Language. Te recomiendo visitar las secciones de tour y help center para entender un poco mejor la filosofía de este sitio. Échale también un vistazo a otras preguntas y respuestas. Procura responder realmente a la pregunta y recuerda que el formato adecuado puede servir para hacer tu respuesta más fácil de leer y entender.
    – mdewey
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 11:40

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