I have tried for some time to make the RR sound but I can't get my tongue to vibrate for the most part. It's stiff and doesn't move at all or it vibrates slightly without any sound. If I try to relax it nothing happens. My tongue is placed at the top of my mouth slightly on the alveolar ridge. I breathe out and nothing happens. The air just forces out between the ridge and my tongue or the sides of my tongue. I tried really hard to relax my tongue but it just doesn't vibrate at all. I can perform the short tapped r but not the long trilled r.
I can somewhat get my tongue to vibrate in a certain tongue position a little I think but there is no sound and the vibration is very tiny. I have tried different tongue positions and it's the same result. The air gets forced over my tongue and it does not vibrate. The airflow is flowing into my tongue and exiting to the sides of my tongue. What could I be doing wrong?