1) How to distinguish between them?
When "se" is an impersonal pronoun, there is no subject:
- Se va a la plaza cruzando la avenida. (You go/One goes to the square by crossing the avenue.)
When "se" is used for the verb to be pronominal (in which case "irse" means "leave"), there needs to be a subject:
- ¿Cómo se va uno de una fiesta cuando no está cómodo? (How does one leave a party when one doesn't feel at ease?)
2) How do I use them both in one sentence? (Good question!)
There is no overlapping of se's. You need to use a subject, either express (uno) or tacit (tú):
Summing up:
Impersonal use:
- Se va a la plaza por aquí. (= Uno va a la plaza por aquí / (Tú) Vas a la plaza por aquí.)
Pronominal use:
- Se va del trabajo lo más temprano posible. (He leaves work as early as possible.)
Impersonal use + Pronominal use:
In this case, pronominal "se" has preeminence over impersonal "se" (we cannot say "se se"). If both meanings need to be conveyed, "se" is pronominal and "uno" or the second person -- with "te" for pronominal meaning in agreement with "tú" -- is used to make the sentence impersonal: