"Se" can be used as impersonal, as a substitute for "uno"

cómo se va a la plaza?

And "se" can be used as a part of a verb, for instance:

se fue él


  1. How to distinguish between them?

And also

  1. How do I use them both in one sentence?

For instance:

 cómo se [uno] se marcha [marcharse] a Roma?

Next to each other?

1 Answer 1


1) How to distinguish between them?

When "se" is an impersonal pronoun, there is no subject:

  • Se va a la plaza cruzando la avenida. (You go/One goes to the square by crossing the avenue.)

When "se" is used for the verb to be pronominal (in which case "irse" means "leave"), there needs to be a subject:

  • ¿Cómo se va uno de una fiesta cuando no está cómodo? (How does one leave a party when one doesn't feel at ease?)

2) How do I use them both in one sentence? (Good question!)

There is no overlapping of se's. You need to use a subject, either express (uno) or tacit ():

  • ¿Cómo se va uno de una fiesta cuando no está cómodo? (translated above)

  • ¿Cómo te vas de una fiesta cuando no estás cómodo? (How do you leave a party when you don't feel at ease?)

Summing up:

  1. Impersonal use:

    • Se va a la plaza por aquí. (= Uno va a la plaza por aquí / (Tú) Vas a la plaza por aquí.)
  2. Pronominal use:

    • Se va del trabajo lo más temprano posible. (He leaves work as early as possible.)
  3. Impersonal use + Pronominal use:

In this case, pronominal "se" has preeminence over impersonal "se" (we cannot say "se se"). If both meanings need to be conveyed, "se" is pronominal and "uno" or the second person -- with "te" for pronominal meaning in agreement with "tú" -- is used to make the sentence impersonal:

  • Uno se va del trabajo lo más temprano posible. (One leaves work as early as possible.)

  • (Tú) Te vas del trabajo lo más temprano posible. (You leave work as early as possible.)

  • ¿Cómo se va uno de una fiesta cuando no está cómodo? -> why did you use "uno"? My question is about how to use 2 "se", without substituing one of them with "uno" Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 15:15
  • also, if "There is no overlapping of se's", why again did you use "uno" and not 2 "se"? if there's no overlapping Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 15:16
  • or did you mean "no overlapping permitted"? Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 15:19
  • @roman-voran See if you can understand my answer better now that I've edited it.
    – Gustavson
    Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 18:12
  • @roman-voran - Right. It's not permitted. "Se se" would sound absurd -- so one has to take a different approach, as Gustavson explained. // Gustavson, dewey has a point, there is one more option, ¿Cómo ve voy de una fiesta cuando no estoy cómodo? (Definitely the least common, though.) Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 3:42

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