I'm after something concise and somewhat common in usage. Would "también llamado" work, or is there something better?


1 Answer 1


At least in Argentina: alias, también conocido como, comúnmente nombrado and comúnmente conocido como are pretty similar.

For example, "Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock" could be "Dwayne Johnson, alias La Roca".

Alias is concise and probably your best choice:


Del lat. alias 'de otro modo'.

  1. adv. Por otro nombre. Alfonso Tostado, alias el Abulense.
  • 1
    "Alias" is a standard word, used all over the spectrum of dialects and, in particular, in Castilian Spanish. Certainly the best fit.
    – legrojan
    Dec 28, 2017 at 11:30

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