I almost always go with porque but I have come across several different translations some of which are:

ya que

desde que

para que


How do these translations differ in nuance and how does one pick the best one for a given scenario? And if, by any chance, they do happen to be absolutely synonymous, is there any usage preference, dialectical or otherwise?

I am only interested in the context of "because" or "since." For example, I understand that pues can mean a bunch of other things like well, alright, etc. too but I am not talking about those interpretations.

1 Answer 1


Depending the context, you can translate since as "desde", "ya que", "debido a" and "porque"

On the other hand, you can translate because as "porque"

You can use both words in same sentences: Compró pan, porque se le había acabado. Compró pan, ya que se le había acabado. Compró pan, debido a que se le había acabado.

In most of sentences, common language people use "because". In other words: kids allways use "porque", never "since".

Other important thing is you can't start a sentnce using "porque" if it's not answering a question. you can't said: "porque tenía hambre, compré pan". However you can said "ya que tenía hambre, compré pan"

  • Since doesn't always mean from, or a time in the past. It also means because and that's the interpretation my question refers to. An illustration: "I did it since nobody else would."
    – TheLearner
    Sep 6, 2016 at 15:43
  • In spanish I think its different. Nobody will translate your sentence as "desde que nadie", but "porque nadie". Just my opinion
    – Josías
    Sep 6, 2016 at 15:46
  • What about ya que, para que, and pues? The question seeks a clarification on how one decides on which one to use as a translation for because or since (in the sense of because). With examples illustrating their differences. Your answer does none. You might want to expand your response to cover the subject better?
    – TheLearner
    Sep 6, 2016 at 15:50
  • I edited my answer. I hope any other could answer better your question.
    – Josías
    Sep 6, 2016 at 16:00
  • Ya que, pues, puesto que and dado que can all be used as substitutes of porque. It is more or less the same diference there is in English between because and given that (which is the exact translation of dado que). Para que, which I guess is a mistranslation of for, does not mean because in Spanish — it means purpose, not consequence.
    – JMVanPelt
    Sep 6, 2016 at 17:48

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