Although Tutorarun seems to be a great word taken directly from Latin, here go my suggestions
Con el nº 19647 le ha sido concedido a este individuo por la Intervención General el compromiso de 4 años que contrajo en 1º Sepbre (Septiembre) del año anterior acreditándose 12 pesetas en concepto de cuota de entrada.
El 2º Jefe
Remember that his reenlistment was pending approval by the Intervención General. They did it here.
In relation with acreditándose vs acreditándole
The following sentences have the same meaning in Spanish
Acreditándose 12 pesetas
12 pesetas se acreditaron
12 pesetas fueron acreditadas
If you change acreditándose by acreditándole you are just adding an indirect object: to him
Acreditándole 12 pesetas
12 pesetas se le acreditaron
12 pesetas le fueron acreditadas
The relevant part is that 12 pesetas were credited, were written down in the accounts of the Guardia Civil, in concept of entrance fee. It's clear that the one paying was your ancestor either way.
This said, I think that now I can see an l there. It may be acreditándole.