In English, the phrase "I rest my case" can be used in a conversation by one person whose point has just been proven by the other person. In a legal sense, it would mean that a lawyer has concluded their argument, but in an idiomatic sense it can be used more generally. For example:

A: You eat way too much during the day. You need to go on a diet.

B: That's not true. I only have breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and 4-5 snacks during the day.

A: I rest my case.

Is there a similar idiom or phrase used in these situations in Spanish?

4 Answers 4


In a lot of movies is translated as No tengo más preguntas or No hay más preguntas. “I rest my case” is used formally in court, and even in that case is often translated in such manner because the lawyer saying that stops asking questions to the witness.

A: Comes mucho durante el día. ¿No deberías hacer dieta?

B: ¡No es cierto!, Sólo desayuno, almuerzo, como, ceno y tomo 4 ó 5 aperitivos a lo largo del día.

A: No tengo más preguntas. (sarcasm)

  • yeah, "No más preguntas" makes perfect sense and causes the same response as "I rest my case" in every aspect --> Sarcasm/End of discussion
    – Roberto
    Sep 26, 2017 at 21:26
  • [In a lot of movies, it is translation as etc.]
    – Lambie
    Apr 13, 2022 at 16:20
  • Así declaro. Diria yo.
    – Lambie
    Apr 13, 2022 at 23:06

It really depends on the context. In your example you could use:

  • Comes demasiado, deberías hacer dieta.
  • No es cierto. Sólo desayuno, meriendo, como, ceno y tomo 4 o 5 tentempiés al día.
  • Pues eso/ Lo que te decía/ ¿Y eso no es mucho? (Ironic)/ Tú mismo la has dicho/A las pruebas me remito.

In other context yo could use "He dicho" in informal conversation it's kind of a joke maybe when you want to sound softer or not so serious, following with the conversation:

  • Exageras, no es para tanto.
  • Sí es para tanto, cada día comes más y haces menos ejercicio, estás engordando. He dicho.

The first phrase that comes to mind is:

A confesión de parte, relevo de prueba

Sometimes shortened to:

A confesión de parte...

The idea being that if the accused party admits its guilt, there's no need for additional proof (which is pretty much like resting the case, I think).


Aun mas prueba de lo que he dicho.

Lo que he dicho se pruebe.

Concluyo mi alegato.

  • Hola, gracias por la respuesta. Entra en contradicción con las otras respuestas, ¿podrías aportar referencias que sustenten tu hipótesis? Dale a edit para añadirlas, ¡gracias!
    – mdewey
    Apr 13, 2022 at 12:50

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