Questions tagged [imperativo]

Questions about the use of the Imperative verb tense. Preguntas acerca del uso del imperativo.

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7 votes
2 answers

imperative or subjunctive

In my Spanish class I have learnt that only the second person (s & pl) has distinct forms for the imperative, but the forms for all other persons are the same as for the subjunctive. ...
gpr's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

"Iros" instead of "idos" (imperative of verb "ir")

I have heard many times the use of the infinitive instead of the imperative in Spanish with the verb "ir". For example: Si me queréis, *irse (Instead of: Si me queréis, váyanse) [Famous quote of ...
Juanillo's user avatar
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How would you express giving a command to yourself in Spanish?

As there is no singular first person imperative form for Spanish verbs (as far as I know), I was wondering whether there is an equivalent to the, possibly idiomatic, English expression of a person ...
jasonmcclurg's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What were the uses of the now obsolete/rare second person affirmative imperative of "haber" (hé)?

My question in English: What were the uses of the now obsolete/rare second person affirmative imperative of "haber" (hé)? I recently came upon the word "hé" in a book (an older edition of Barron's ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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Subject - Verb Agreement: Repitiendo..., y determinando, ilustra

Repitiendo este proceso muchas veces, y determinando la proporción de éxitos para cada muestra, ilustra la idea de la variabilidad de muestra a muestra en la proporción muestral. Should ilustra or ...
Concerned_Citizen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Imperative using infinitive verb

I was wondering if it is possible to ask someone to do something by simply using infinitive form of verb with direct object/indirect object pronoun attached and without using any other words? Or you ...
Alex's user avatar
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Syntax of public notices containing a command

There has recently been some controversy and amusement in the UK about a notice which appeared at a beauty spot asking people not to drop litter. Apparently after the location was used in a Bollywood ...
mdewey's user avatar
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What is the difference between "no pares" and "no te pares"

I just came across no te pares which according to google translate means don't stop. This is the exact meaning of the negative imperative tú form no pares. What is the difference between them and ...
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