In my spanish course I was presented with:

te va a encantar 

As a translation of You're going to like it. But what confuses me is the combination of the pronoun te with the verb conjugationva.

Why isn't the translation:

te vas a encantar
  • 1
    To me "te va a encantar" is closer to "you are going to love it" that to "you are going to like it". The latter one is just "te va a gustar/ te gustará".
    – Diego
    Nov 27, 2014 at 18:22
  • @Diego .. probably my fault with the title of the question.
    – Peter M
    Nov 27, 2014 at 18:52

2 Answers 2


It's for the same reason that it's "te encanta" and not "te encantas". (remember, gustar and encantar don't mean to like/love, they mean to please and to enchant, that is, causing enjoyment to/for someone)

te      encanta
you.IO  enchant.PRES.3RD.SING
"It enchants you"

te      va a encantar
you.IO  enchant.FUT.3RD.SING
"It is going to enchant you"

There's nothing grammatically wrong per se with te vas a encatar, but then you get:

te      vas a encantar
you.RO  enchant.FUT.2ND.SING
"You are going to enchant yourself"

Which is a very different sentence, effectively meaning you are going to love (non-amorously) yourself

  • Thank you .. I was mistaken with who was doing the liking.
    – Peter M
    Nov 27, 2014 at 15:15

Your correction is right (in literal way).

But the expression "va a" is an auxiliary verb (ir a) marking the future tense. Then

te va a encantar

vas a llegar tarde


te encantará

llegarás tarde

and that is also correct.

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